Our Services

Summit Web Service specializes in building modern websites that meet industry standards across the board. We focus on building websites that are as functional as they are fashionable.

At this point, you have probobly read 20 blogs, watched a handful of videos, and have gone to a number of different sites very similar to ours. So we will not overwhelm you with a bunch of overly technical jargon.

Web Development

We build websites in a variety of ways. If you want it custom coded from scratch, that is an option, but most businesses like for the websites to be built in WordPress, or a sales focused host such as Squarespace or Shopify.

No matter how your site is built, we can promise you that no stone will be left unturned. Your site will be lean and free of bloat.

We focus on meeting the Accessibility standards put in place by the ADA. Why alienate potential customers? Everyday the internet is becoming more available to everyone, and so should your website.

An ultrawide computer monitor with code

Search Engine Optimization

At this point, you have probably seen a myriad of sites that promise to get you to the #1 spot of Google. Anyone that tells you that they can do that is lying.

5 years ago, yes, absolutely, you could be promised the #1 spot. SEO was a game that had rules. If you knew what to do, you could get that #1 spot.

But Google’s algorithm is constantly changing, and it changes in favor of the end user 99% of the time. With A.I. in the mix, they are favoring sites that do not stuff keywords all over their pages. They promote genuine sites that truly and honestly help their users.

Where do we come in? We know how to properly organize and mark your website’s content to make it more likely to rank higher, by setting it up in a way that Google’s web crawlers can best understand.

Search Recommendations for "Web Development"


There are a bunch of different hosting options out there. Dedicated, shared, etc. We offer shared hosting. What that means is that your website will be on a server with other websites that are sharing the same resources. Unless your website needs to perform on a level where every second counts, our shared hosting is perfect for small businesses.

Let us worry about server configuration. We monitor your site 24/7 and will tackle any downtime as soon as it happens.

The servers that we use are also powered 100% by renewable energy, so you can have your website and eat it too.

An Opened Hard Disc Drive


$ 50 Monthly
  • Edits
  • Updates
  • Backups


5 Page Website
$ 150 Monthly
  • Hosting
  • Edits
  • Updates
  • Backups
  • Security


$ 10 Monthly
  • Hosting
  • Backups
  • Security